Thursday, May 26, 2011

the signs are everywhere

we were just on vacation for 5 days & i noticed some entertaining signs that i felt the need to photograph. i will now share them with you.
this was in the window of a dog clothing store.

this makes me happy.

the path was seriously bumpy due to the roots below. like an amusement park ride for children riding in strollers.

okay, it's not that funny unless you read it like a sentence. i want to know what the plastic ever did to the cans to get trashed like that. and was it trash talking? trash throwing?

i like to think of this as a grammar problem like we see so much of in tennessee. they tried to have pride, but they done forgot the S.

shocking that this place is out of business.
okay, so this wasn't a sign, it was a stool in an ice cream shop, but how random & funny is that to sit on?

if you're old enough to read that warning, you're probably old enough to know that it's not a fruity beverage.

there was also a truck that i didn't quite manage to get a picture of, but on the back was written "just consumated." and on the side window it said, "i just got laid." it was parked outside a cabin in our resort for several days & never seemed to move, so i'm guessing that truck window was telling the truth.

here's a short video i made at the zoo. i was trying to get a cute little clip of brooke brushing a friendly little goatie guy, but mr goat had other plans when i crouched down to pet him. and this was right after i'd had another goat nuzzling & licking my toes. i don't know what was up with the petting zoo, but it was certainly memorable.


  1. Great pictures.
    Are all petting zoos full of goats?

  2. Those were some great and funny pictures.

  3. for some reason I was almost afraid to watch the goat video--like it would be some horrible clip of an animal gone CRAZY...scary! Luckily it wasn't scary.

    Good signs! How fun that you took pics along the way.

  4. those signs are hilarious!

  5. Love your photos. And did Melvin mistake you for the Nanny goat?

    Eva @ wrestling with retirement

  6. What?? You went on vacation and did not talk to me?? HMPH!! I am Amy Human Resources ya know! Ya gotta get things approved through me. ;)

  7. Bye the way, I gave you an award.
    Come on over and pick it up.
    welcome to me

  8. Those signs are hilarious!!! And Jim would have loved the kiss stool!

  9. Love the signs. Trying to think of something to say about the goat that is not x rated. Nope got nothing ;)

  10. Sherilin, can you please tell Eva about the sign in box I posted about? maybe that will fix her problem.

  11. Great signs! Goats are funny animals! My sister has donkeys and they are crazy!

  12. Funny. I don't see any boobies under the "Cans" sign. Weird.

  13. ha, ha - nice post. I see some great road signs but never get round to photographing them.

  14. I think I need to pay more attention to signs around me. That is so cool you were able to come across all of those! Great post!

  15. Very funny and I get the cans trashing plastic thing. My sense of humor.

  16. I miss you!!! Thanks for stopping by! I've been taking a class and the hubby is taking a class and I've been tutoring non-stop, but I'll be back to it again soon. Promise! I miss reading your blogs! :)

    I like the "Please be Safe..." sign! So funny! I can't wait to take our kids to the zoo :)

  17. How funny! You were manhandled by a goat! I love those signs :-)


don't let me be the only one doing the talking around here. spill your guts!