Wednesday, September 26, 2012

naked in public? of course not! except for that one time...

i had a friend many years ago named Kate. we spent a lot of time together my senior year of high school and for a couple years after that. then i got married, moved away and Kate and i mostly lost touch.

i decided i wanted to get my group of friends together for a little reunion after about 12 years apart and as a chance for us to meet each others' husbands and wives. invitations were sent out, rsvp's arrived and as it turned out, only two of my girlfriends who were invited were able to make it and neither brought a spouse.

that was fine and i was secretly glad because they were the two i was closest to and sometimes less is more when it comes to having a good time of remembering the good ole days.

during the evening of chatting, Kate mentioned that her husband wasn't there because she didn't want him to meet me. i was temporarily speechless. my feelings were kind of hurt. i think i did the head tip and brow furrow as i tried to process what she'd said and figure out what she meant. she elaborated. "every bad thing i ever did, i did with you. i don't want him to know that part of me."

it was interesting how the memories i had of our time together didn't fall into the "bad things" category. i've got another friend who shared most of those times with me, but she still loves me and doesn't mind a bit if her husband knows me and we laugh over those stupid memories.

since that night, (i chose to disregard that comment and still have fun with my girls) i've thought about it a lot. i've trolled through my stash of brain files. am i remembering things wrong? i don't think so. we hung out before i started drinking and she never had a drink in her life. we didn't smoke or fool around with boys or any of the things i usually associate with being bad.

then i remembered the night. i'm pretty sure there was only one that might land in both of our "bad things" mental files.

we went to visit a friend at their apartment. it was summer and we were about twenty. we were silly and lively and always looking for something fun to do. our friend had to leave, but we decided to use their apartment's community pool without the friend. unfortunately, we didn't have bathing suits. so we went into the pool fully clothed and had a grand old time hopping back and forth between the pool and hot tub. it was late, no one else was there and we giggled up a storm while splashing around merrily.

we sloshed back to my car and then stood there in the parking lot debating what to do next. we dripped rivers onto the pavement because we didn't even have a towel, wash cloth, or tissue to blot ourselves with. after some discussion, we decided that the best course of action would be to strip off our clothes, throw them on the floor in the backseat and drive home naked.

yes, completely naked.

it was around midnight and we had a fifteen drive back to my house. the house where i lived as a nanny and had a nice place to park in the garage. we screamed and laughed like it was the funniest thing we'd ever done in our lives. i drove really fast whenever i passed anyone, but not so fast as to attract potential police attention. if we'd been stopped, there was no way we'd have even been able to scramble into our clothing because it was in a twisted, soaking heap on the floor behind me.

we arrived home, incident free and filled with the adrenaline rush that comes from doing something outrageous and getting away with it. we snuck up to my bedroom, clutching our dripping clothes and found some comfy jammies to curl up in as we laughed over our nudie dash through town.

looking back now, i guess i can see how she might not want her husband to hear such tales. she's a pretty prim and proper kind of person and her husband probably likes that about her. it might spoil his image of his wife if he knew about the night she drove through town, bare as the day she was born.


  1. omg that is funny........i feel kinda sad for her that she can't even share that with her loved one. wow.

    1. i'm glad my husband can deal with such stories, but every marriage is different. he never would have married me if he couldn't handle my colorful history.
      to each his/her own.

  2. Everyone's got a good naked story. My husband knows most of my best girl friends. And sadly, as soon as I think he's heard all the stories someone will say something and he'll speak up with a "Hey! What's this now???"

    And I turn all shades of pink and sink down into my seat.

  3. time you go swimming....give me a call. I'm game!

  4. Interesting that your friend didn't want her husband to know about this wild event. As a guy I'll tell you that this story would probably turn her husband on.

  5. I think that the lady was being a little over sensitive about the whole thing, I bet her husband would have seen the humour in it but she was just scared or whatever, you never know. I wouldn't take it personally regardless since she did come to meet you and everything, the story itself is hilarious and it sounds like you guys really did have a whole lot of fun back then!

  6. That's a great story. I have a friend who has abandoned me too. We did wilder things than that. My husband knows about them and laughs, but I think she's afraid we'll say something in front of her husband...something I would never do.

  7. I can't imagine The Man being offended by such a story. You should have asked her what she specifically thought all the "bad" things were?? Surprising, and a little silly. Life is short. It's not like you robbed a corner store or something.

    1. i wasn't trying to dredge up any bad feelings for her. or possibly remind myself of some black memory i'd forced down so i could live with myself (kidding. i don't think there are any of those left).

  8. I ALWAYS think to myself "I wish we were friends..." when I read your posts! You would have brought out my not-often-seen crazy side for sure! You are too funny.

  9. Oh My.. YOU are just the kind of fun gal I GRAVITATE too. What a riot.

  10. Ha! My husband would love a story like that. And PS, since you put naked in your blog title, you're going to have all sorts of odd searches come up for people who stumbled upon your blog.

  11. Oh, pshaw! I'm really going to have to write about the drunken nudie mobile home park swimming pool romp now. But, it's late and I think I hear Mrs. Penwasser snoring.

    1. get to writing, al! unless it never really happened... i'm starting to wonder.

  12. Why do I never witness such disinhibition when I pull up alongside a car at the traffic lights! The only wild thing I've witnessed on the highway is someone giving me self-abuse hand-signs when I've cut them up.

  13. Sound like your friend is trying to be someone she's not. ... Or trying to make her husband believe she is someone she's not. Hmmmmmm..... secrets have a way of popping up at the worst time.

    1. i suspect that it's actually the other way around. she's truly the person her husband knows, but she took a dip into craziness with me for a couple years while she was figuring out who she really wanted to be. apparently only i was destined to stay crazy long term.

  14. I have a friend who I did these silly crazy things you do when you are young. I did have to tell her to go easy on the stories around my husband because he has not hear all of them. I was kind of wild before my Mr., although secretly I think he likes knowing there is that side to me, and still is, I just keep it for him.
    Each year this girlfriend and I get together for a weekend and rehash great memories. I think you need these fun memories to get you through the hard times in your life, something that will make you laugh.
    As for the blogger you were looking for, she switched to a new blog and has not been on since last summer.

    1. it's all good. not everyone wants to relive their foolish pasts. i try to have some common sense about not just blurting questionable stories out to unknowing parties.

  15. come on down for a visit! i'll take you for a naked drive around town, but only if you promise to balance a sword on your head while we travel. and no laughing allowed or that thing might slide off your head and lop off one of my boobs.

  16. What a fun story! I was always a bit more prim than that. i got into some mischief, but no nude driving for me!

    Too bad your friend feels a preference to hide that part of her. Hubby and I have known each other since we were 10. No secrets there. And I LOVE that about us.

  17. I can't think of any husband who wouldn't love that story.

    1. mine just shook his head and said nothing when he heard it, but i think he was secretly wishing he'd been sitting in the back seat.

  18. What a fun night and a great memory. Stuff like that reminds us that we're alive. It's a shame she can't share that side of herself with her hubs. My Hubs would get all hot and bothered if he heard a story like that about me... or any girl, for that matter. :)


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