Friday, September 14, 2012

the oddities delight me

i love taking pictures. i'd never dare to call myself a photographer, but i like to keep my camera handy in order to catch as many interesting or funny moments as possible. i've been collecting some for a few months now that i haven't posted until today. there are no dead animals in this set. you're welcome.
 this made me laugh every time i saw the box of dog treats.

one of these things is not like the other...

the sign in the window says, "volume discount." i think the pimps bring all their girls in to get them spruced up.

mmm... pizza...

sign in a bookstore.

Bubba the bear is so hungry!

she wants to participate in everything i do and then bite me if my feet touch her. she was messing up my form.

this is our pet window spider. we named him spike and we love to watch him eat bees.

somebody likes noodles.

is she an angel? she's got a halo.

holy guacamole- look at those nails on the chick in the bright yellow!

not funny or interesting, but since i eat some variation of this every day and it's always so pretty and colorful, i thought i'd take a picture.


i think this belongs to a drag queen.

Brooke was very amused by the shirts in this store.

probably worn by the guy driving the eyelash car.

yeah, what the shirt says.

this would be a funny gift for an obnoxious guy.

there are so many funny lines in this sign that's beside the fountain at our local park. my favorite rule is the one about diarrhea.

Tony Horton - superman or banana?

so much tired and back achiness. must relieve with ball.


  1. In my eyes somebody who takes photographs is actually a photographer and some of these photos are just awesome Sherry and really made me laugh! The boobs one was great haha, these are all awesome, thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm going to venture that she's not an angel. She looks like a Kardashian.

  3. "I'm so gay I shit rainbows" - was that a line from the Wizzard of Oz?

    1. i think it was in the drag version of the wizard of oz. or maybe a skittles commercial.

  4. The invention of the cell phone camera was one of the greatest things to happen to comedy since George Carlin.

  5. Great pictures. The one that tickled me the most was the kitty staring out the window with his "stuffy" friends.

  6. There are some fun photos there! Love the car with eyelashes!

  7. I had a good laugh at a lot of those. My camera goes pretty much EVERYWHERE I do...just in case. You never know.

  8. There is so much funny here. I love our local dry cleaners, who call themselves, simply, "Cleanist." I don't think it's a pun, I think they're describing their job titles. But we're always like, "Look, it's the cleanest!"

    Also. I cannot abide by that spider. You must get rid of it. You must. I cannot.

    1. i like that spidey eats the buggies. spike stays and serves as science class sometimes.

  9. Ha! Loved so many of these. "God Peed" "I shit rainbows." And our buddy Al Penwasser would love "Please tell your boobs to stop staring at my eyes." I can totally picture him in that!!

    1. we should get that shirt and send it to him. he can embarrass his wife and children even more when he wears it.

    2. I would wear it IN A HEARTBEAT. BONUS: If I wore it, I would walk alone.

    3. we can depend on you to be willing to wear the tacky shirt. add it to your christmas list. maybe your brother will get it for you.

  10. Ahhh, Tony HOrton. My Hubs has the whole P90X set. I only ever do the AbRipper video. And only like once a year, when I feel like hating my self. And I invariably end up yelling at the TV at some point "F U Tony!"

    1. i'm on week 11 of p90x which requires me to punish myself with the ab ripper three times a week. i hate tony on every one of those days.

  11. loved all the pictures Sherilinnie, but not the spider. Never the spider. And hey! I think we have the same cheap ass yoga mat, or 'sticky mat' as I've heard it called, which pisses me off, since it does NOT stick.

  12. What a great idea! You've captured some good stuff. First, how do let that spider just... live... there. You are much braver than I. I also love the "bend backwards over fitness ball" move. Instant stress reliever. And I must find me some headlight eyelashes. :)

  13. These are great. My fav is the cat one with the stuff animals. I like it when cats look foolish. Also, is that Wolverine in that yellow dress?

  14. I think I'm going to get the t-shirt about the boob staring for my husband. Dude can't help it that he appreciates boobs I guess. Also, that picture of Brooke eating so reminded me of this Calvin and Hobbes cartoon, I have to email it to you because I don't even think it's possible to post it on this comment. Great pics :)

  15. Haha, I love these. I've seen those eyelashes on cars a lot. And mustaches. Weird.

  16. you look amazing! is there a certain diet that you are following!?! Please share... I can only use the "I had a baby 3 years ago" excuse for so long :)

    1. no specific diet, just working out a lot, eating really healthy foods, cutting portions down significantly and not cheating.
      i used the baby excuse for way too many years. she was 9 before i started to lose some weight, so i guess lazy and hungry were my only excuses.


don't let me be the only one doing the talking around here. spill your guts!