Sunday, March 20, 2011

lovely, with a twist

today was a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. and to top it off, both myself & my honey were off work, which is a lovely change of pace, so we decided to take full advantage of the day. after church, we had lunch out & then spent the rest of it outside, wandering around downtown and going through the aquarium.

we've had a membership at the aquarium for years, so i've mostly stopped taking pics of the wildlife there because one tends to look much like the last. instead, i took mostly flower pictures today. it's hardcore spring in the american south right now, so there are tons of flowering trees and bushes wherever you look and today, i used those flowers as my photo inspiration, with a few thrown in of my beloveds as the icing on my cake.

today brooke acted and talked older than her usual self. and having her hair pulled back, which is rare, made me see how much she's growing up. the days of the quirky dog girl appear to be on the way out.

i love all the carnivorous plants around the aquarium.

even the simplest flowers are beautiful.

if you look at this one close up, the jelly that's sideways in the middle toward the left, doesn't it look kinda like a condom? a very mean, pranky condom for someone you hate.

and lest you think my day was all beauty and happiness, let me share one last little tidbit with you all. i went into a public bathroom (one of 9 that i visited today. stupid SBS) and chatted up a lady who came in and was changing 2 babies' diapers behind me while i washed my hands. i frequently make friends in public restrooms. i'm not sure why i feel the need to bond in the bathroom, but whatever, i've got to make friends wherever i find them. then i wandered back outside to rejoin chris & brooke. as i walked out the door, i realized that i was standing right behind some people who were getting their picture taken. i stepped aside a bit so that even though i'd still probably be in the shot, i'd be far enough away that they could crop me out easily. chris was sitting over to one side and he started waving for me to come over to him. i shook my head no, and kept standing where i was so that i could let the folks get their shot. they took their sweet time about it and all the while, chris kept waving more & more adamantly at me and he was starting to look kinda mad. i finally mosied over to him & asked what all the fuss was about and he said, "you've got toilet paper hanging out of your ass!"

frickety frack! i was standing there, for all the world to see, including getting into some stranger's family pictures with my TP tail flapping in the gentle breeze. i asked chris how long it was & he said, "about three sheets." and that leaves me to wonder about my new bathroom friend - what kind of woman lets another woman walk out of a bathroom with three sheets in the wind?


  1. That's terrible...I would have told you, lol. You probably brightened up any onlookers day. I've seen people walking around with toilet paper stuck to bottom of their shoe, also.

  2. Great picture and great story! I sometimes purposely tuck a long stretch of toilet paper into the back of my pants waist when little kids are around. I come out of the bathroom and they roar in laughter. I'm guessing that's what you were trying...or it should be your story anyway!

  3. sounds like a wonderful day. And I would have told you too.. of course!

  4. Beautiful!! Those blossoms warmed my heart! I had a Lady Slipper at one point - it didn't make it. :(

  5. Maxi pads on your head, TP out of your this a sign of other things?

  6. We will have to chaeck google images in the next few days to see if your 3 sheets photo appears! I shouldn't laugh....but
    I oncelet a co-worker I didn't like go to a meeting with pantyhose sticking out of her pant leg. Bahahahah

  7. Great pictures. The TP story is hilarious! What is it about the bathroom and the sudden urge to talk to strangers?

  8. What beautiful pictures so awesome!!! Love it! The TP story is so funny, that happens to me everytime I go to my parents house for some reason. Everyone gets a good laugh, and my sister has a very similar story to yours except it involves a port-a-john - so much MORE disturbing and embarassing!! HAHAHAHA

  9. The flowers were absolutely gorgeous. And I haven't been 3 sheets to the wind in a long time! lol

  10. *giggle*... toilet paper hanging from your ass... something I would do! lol Pics are awesome darlin!

  11. Oh man. That is DEFINITELY something that would (or may have already) happen to me. Haha. I think I would have spoken up!
    Nice pictures! Makes me excited for spring up here in the northeast. :)

  12. At least they didn't take pictures IN the bathroom. Because that would have been kinda creepy.
    Oh, and that one carnivorous plant looks like some kind of toilet bowl (but, you don't see any flies leaving with toilet paper coming out their crack).
    I'm just saying.
    Rain and in the 50s today. Oh...crap.

  13. Your pictures are amazing! I can't wait for spring to spring in the Midwest.

    lol about the TP. Maybe that's why they were taking their time with the picture? lol

  14. Three sheets IN the wind...that is hysterical. I try NEVER to bond with anyone in a public bathroom...I'm in and out as quick as I can. Don't even like eye contact.

    the flowers are gorgeous. There is nary a flower to be found in my neck of the woods yet....just snow and still cold. grrrrrr

  15. this thing ate my comment!!! Beautiful pictures Sherilin! Too bad about the dope in the can.

  16. well, you got great pics and had a good day, so what is a little humiliation? :P

  17. Oh man, I'm usually trying to avoid conversations in the bathroom because i'm usually THAT one mom whose kids are demons in the bathroom. People are usually staring at me in disgust (or's hard to tell).

    Love the have quite a talent with the camera!

  18. Great story and wonderful pics. Every time I read one of your posts, you have me cracking up out loud. Thanks for the daily laugh!

  19. I was all surprised to read a super serious post from you (gorgeous pictures) but then of course you dont disappoint and left me laughing! I definitely would have told you. I would have made fun of you after, but I would have definitely told you;-)

  20. I definitely would have told you if I saw TP hanging from your pants! :) I'm from the Lady Blogger's Tea Party and picked your blog because it has a catchy name! Great photos of the carnivorous flowers, butterflies and orchids :) Looking forward to reading more!

  21. shalyn, i'm glad you would have told me & i can totally live with being mocked. i mocked me for the rest of the day!
    that's what i get for layering the seat with paper. my pants bit a strip as they went up & poof, a fancy tail.

  22. Unless I was 3 sheets to the wind, I definitely would have given you a heads up...I mean, really, what are bathroom friends for anyway?

    Oh and the pictures...beautiful.

  23. Hahaha! Poor you!

    Your pictures are gorgeous!

  24. Every post just cracks me up! This is so me!


don't let me be the only one doing the talking around here. spill your guts!